Networked Media Environments - Ravensbourne College MA Postgraduate

Ravensbourne College MA Postgraduate Studies Programme

Networked Media Environments

The MA in Networked Media Environments at Ravensbourne College's
Postgraduate Studies programme offers itself as an opportunity for
students to engage with the latest developments in online publishing.
one-year full time MA course delivers a balanced course structure
consisting of practical work, technical studies and contemporary studies

and is aimed at making you become a creator of interactive and networked

applications on a wealth of platforms, including internet, mobiles and
interactive television.

The MA programme has subscribed to an Open Source College policy
which means that the use of open source software and licences is
encouraged whenever possible. The NME has created the Networked
Learning Lab, a unique facility where students can create experimental
applications in a Linux environment. Technical teaching introduces you to

key concepts behind the internet and networked information architectures,

before it progresses, according to your individual abilities, deeper into

programming and creative application development.

Latest networked tools such as wikis and web-logs are not only subject of

study but are deeply integrated into the teaching and learning
environment. You will have free webspace for your own web-pages, you
can write your own web-log and use the wiki as a sketchboard and for
group collaborations. You will also participate in the creation of the
Online, a student led online magazine and Mazine, its
printed equivalent.

The MA core staff team brings together artistic, technical, theoretical
economic competency, as well as a working knowledge of current industry
practice and contact networks. The team works focusedly to deliver the
course with a student centred approach which means that your learning
experience is being put at the heart of the attention. You will be
masterminding your own Learning Plan, which contains your research
strategies and your own evaluation of your progress through the year.

The NME is looking for students with a wide variety of backgrounds, from

journalists, photographers and film makers who want to move into online
publishing to people with artistic and social aspirations who want to use

the internet more effectively as an environment for communication and
collaboration. With its emphasis on creation for and within networks the

NME is a unique course in the higher education landscape in the UK. No
other place offers such a cutting edge environment for a year of
experimenting and innovating in the networked domain.

MA Networked Media Environments

Course Leader: Karel Dudesek
Subject Leaders: Neal White, Armin Medosch
Core Staff: Fiona Hevey, Jim Wood
Tutors: Sean Dodson, Lisa Haskel, Jamie King, Adam Burns, Jo Walsh,
David Muth, Mathias Kispert

Further information, course info and application

contact: { HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected]" }[email protected]

nettime-ann mailing list
[email protected]