This piece is completely non-interactive!
Do not try to click anyplace to get something to move!
I said, do not click!
If you click one more time, I will have to disable you.
Your final warning!
Eh, you are a hopeless rebel. Don't you want to see what I have to offer in
the way of wholesome, non-interactive entertainment?
Ah, so you know how to spell the word "no." Congratulations. But don't you
think there should be something more to interactivity than pressing a few
mouse buttons or writing a few stupid words?
I do too. Here is a suggestion box. Please place some comments in the box
about what you would like to see more of on this site in the way of
Thank you for your suggestions! We will have a member of our staff review
your words shortly. Please do not respond until you hear from us. In the
meantime, why don't you go watch some TV, or partake of a good book?
I am sorry. Your words were not saved to disk. Memory full. Please try
Delivery failure. Your information has been deleted and your presence
erased. Please try again.
You are without time, place or being. Please try again.
Please try again.


10 Switch on your screen.
Clean your screen.
Wipe your screen.
Rub your screen.
Touch your screen.
Poke your screen.
Lick your screen.
Kiss your screen.
Eat your screen.
Fuck your screen.
Piss on your screen.
Shit on your screen.
Bleed on your screen.
Write on your screen.
Paint on your screen.
Dance on your screen.
Play your screen.
Work your screen.
Scratch your screen.
Break your screen.
Shoot your screen.
Burn your screen.
Bury your screen.
Drown your screen.
Resist your screen.
Reject your screen.
Forget your screen.
Forgive your screen.
Dream your screen.
Switch off your screen.
