
  • Type: event
  • Location: Chashama, 1155 Ave of the Amercias (6th ave) , NYC, Midtown , New York, 10019, US
  • Starts: Oct 23 2014 at 7:00PM
  • outbound link ↱
Recent and new works by Laura Tack, Sessa Englund and Lucia Love

‘Kunst!Kunst!Kunst!’ will exhibit recent and new works of large scale painting by Laura Tack, Sessa Englund and Lucia Love, with an opening reception on the 23rd at 7pm*. The art on display represents an explorational and investigational response from fresh emerging artists to the medium of painting.


Laura Tack
Lucia Love
Sessa Englund

The three artists share an interest in the transformative power of deconstructing and cannibalizing color and form: with works that slip in and out of recognizable configurations to explore the skeletal structure of traditional distinctions between the familiar and the alien, and unsettle the relationship between figurative and abstract; creating stark and bold new forms. Please join us in bringing together these three strongly individualistic yet joint voices for a weeklong show, exposing the artists work to a larger audience as a collective voice.


Laura Tack - lauratack.be
Laura Tack is a Belgium painter currently working in Iceland.

Lucia Love - lucialoveart.com
Lucia Love is an prolific American painter, video artist and curator working in Bushwick. She shows regular around NYC.

Sessa Englund - sessaenglund.prosite.com
Sessa Englund is a Swedish and American artists working in NYC and Gothenburg, Sweden.