Hector Llanquin @ webspace.gallery - The Mineral Neuroplasticity Webring

The Neural Plasticity Webring sets up a kind of “social” dynamic, in the Lefebvrean sense, within itself. As a linked series of works, the webring suggests a dialogic connection between its elements, as well as with the viewer, whose consumption of the work takes the form of an inspection or browsing, each iteration of which will necessarily emphasise some elements and de-emphasise others. The work is comprised of a number of sites or nodes, each with its own identity. GHOSTING shows a multi-lobed object reminiscent of a cell undergoing mitosis, travelling through a space comprised of amorphous, shifting geometries, some of which resemble iridescent asteroids. The work is suggestive of genesis, formation and flux, occurring at a variety of scales; the cellular object suggests the (perceptually) vast spaces revealed within the everyday by technologies such as electron microscopes, while the asteroidal forms bring to mind the equally unfathomable depths of space. Elsewere, BARRIO depicts a blocky city-scape, suggestive of early 3D games, the name indicating that this is to be understood as a shanty-town or colony of some sort; an essentially Lefebvrean kind of social space, in the sense that it is, in fact, a “counter-space,” operating between the interstices of city planning and other macro-scale social architecture.