Participation Projects @ The Unstitute + Open Submissions


The Unstitute has been developing and running a variety of open-submission projects as part of the participation programme. We invite you to view the latest excavations.

The Unstitute is an Evolving Interactive Environment which alters territories and adapts its nature according to the proclivity of its workers. Workers are everybody who participates in the construction of The Unstitute.


The Projection Room: Video Launch

Matthew Williamson
'Everything is Cool'

15th May-15th June

The Unstitute continues to offer monthly screenings of experimental videos online. This month we take pleasure in presenting 'Everything is Cool' by Matthew Williamson.

Described once as "epiphanic", Matthew Williamson makes work about the cohesion between the internet and the stuff that used to be called 'real life'. While working mostly with video and animation gifs, his work is focused on the humorous relationships we forge with our machines.

Watch 'Everything is Cool':


[dis]Corporate Bodies:

The Unstitute continues to offer an opportunity for practitioners to contribute towards a radical new form of interactive archive which aims to subvert institutional models: [dis]Corporate Bodies.

The Unstitute has had a lot of excellent submissions and selected a variety of works including multimedia performances, videos, installations and writing now on display in the permanent [dis]Corporate Bodies collection. You are invited to view the project.

If you would like to participate- please click here

We are looking forward to your submissions!

View [dis]Corporate Bodies:


New Project announcement:

The Unstitute is planning to launch a new participatory project this summer and wants you, whoever and wherever you are, to take part in a new online project entitled ‘Vidiot’.

The Unstitute is going to construct a new wing out of your eyes, built upon the architecture of looking. It will be a unique place you can go when you want everyone to look at you, or when you want to feel you are being watched - a sort of vulgar Panopticon for the internet.

Please view full submission details here:


New blog at The Unstitute:

You can view and comment on the latest posts from The Unstitute on our Wordpress blog, which includes the latest narratives, videos and images: