[Apr 5/6] Sonic Archaeology Workshop at Harvestworks

  • Type: event
  • Location: Harvestworks, 596 Broadway #602, New York, New York, New York, 10012, US
  • Starts: Apr 5 2014 at 12:00PM
  • outbound link ↱
The workshop will equip participants with a range of practical techniques for audible, forensic examination of both the material and immaterial. A series of experimental situations will be constructed, investigating materials through audible excitation, transformation and detection including ultrasound, light modulation, surface playback, and electrochemistry. The workshop will also examine classical techniques for the study of electronic voice phenomena (EVP), and suggest new detection strategies.

[Apr 5/6] Sonic Archaeology

Martin Howse Sat/Sun April 5 + 6, 12 noon to 7pm
Cost: regular $190, student/member $165

Pay with PayPal or Credit Card on our Payment Page here

…plus $25 in materials cost for scratcher/radio transmitter, coil pickup, audio amplifier - bring in CASH to the workshop!


596 Broadway, #602 | New York, NY 10012Phone: 212-431-1130

The pick was [then] used to hammer on the surface, and by this means, the Angle Ditch was discovered. The sound produced by hammering on an excavated part is much deeper than on an undisturbed surface, a circumstance worth knowing when exploring a grass-grown downland, though not applicable to cultivated ground.
– [Augustus Pitt Rivers. Excavations in Cranborne Chase. Volume IV. 1895]

Sound or noise can be conceived as the expression of material undergoing specific physical stresses. As the earth is tapped with the back of the shovel, or as the cast metals of rail tracks are subjected to immense forces by the wheels of an arriving high speed train, information is revealed concerning the often less than visible strains and molecular interactions of the material world. It’s a strictly epistemological investigation, equally providing forensic material concerning an immaterial, invisible world; material for a certain psychic detective seeking to make sense of the world. Following Pitt Rivers, this sonic archaeology can be summarised as excitation followed by detection. The workshop aims to equip the potential sonic archaeologist with a range of DIY techniques for forensic examination of the material and immaterial.

During the workshop participants will learn how to:

- practically stage classical EVP detection experiments (Juergenson, Raudive and beyond) - construct a quantum metaphase typewriter for communication with parallel worlds - build devices to play back and decode surface marks and inscriptions - make audible fluctuations in laser light and electrochemical reactions - translate ultrasonic impulses to the audio range - work with the active construction and detection of electromagnetic emissions - conduct experiments in psychokinesis

What to bring:

We recommend that participants bring along some form of recording, inscribing, or transcribing devices (tape or digital audio recorder, camera, film, pencil, paper, and so on). Headphones are also useful to bring! All other materials will be supplied and are included in the registration fee.


The interdisciplinary work of Martin Howse is pre-occupied with a broad questioning of the exact location of execution and of code within the world (psychogeophysics). Through the construction of experimental situations (within process-driven performance, laboratories, walks, and workshops), material art works and texts, Martin Howse explores the rich links between substance or materials and execution or protocol, excavating issues of visibility and of hiding within the world. Since 1998, Martin Howse has published, workshopped, performed and exhibited worldwide.

