Summer and Winter Photo Album / Museum of the Essential and Beyond That

Museum of the Essential and Beyond That (almost english)

Summer and Winter Photo Album - Do not forget to send a photo until
February 10th 2005, vertical format, theme: Summer or Winter, 280 X 350
pixels, JPG, 100 DPI.

Email subject Photo Album, address: [email protected]

To see the album and the photos that we have already received:

Best regards from Brazil,

Regina Celia Pinto


Museu do Essencial e do Alem Disso (Portuguese)

Album de fotografias de Verao e Inverno - Nao esqueca de enviar
uma foto ate o dia de fevereiro de 2005, formato vertical, tema: Verao ou Inverno, 280 X 350 pixels, jpg, 100 dpi.

Assunto do email: foto de verao ou foto de inverno, endereco: [email protected].

Para ver o album e as fotografias que ja foram recebidas:

Muito obrigada,

Regina Celia Pinto
