The Washroom Wall

The Washroom Wall


My name is Jay Rechsteiner and I am an artist from Switzerland living in London. I have launched a project called The Washroom Projects (TWP) ( and as a sub project I am going to make a wall installation ( called The Washroom Wall consisting of photos, drawings and texts about/of toilets which I print out and put into freezer bags which then are to be attached onto the wall in a very popular pub in London EC2.

For that purpose I am looking for photos of toilets (own or public) and texts about washrooms (whatever conent!!!!). The texts should not be longer than half A4 and not contain anything that you do not want people to read or see (I don’t mind). When sending me the photos and texts bear in mind that my email account is not the biggest in the world. So try to send me light mail.

I am going to put all the names, images and texts of the people who contributed onto my website.

Thanks a lot for your contribution,

Jay Rechsteiner
The Washroom Projects Chief Artist
[email protected]