The Quest - a google map documentary on his april's fool day

The Quest

A net-journey in my hometown, Taranto, Italy.
A digital documentary artwork based on Google Map April's Fool, 2012.

An artwork by Alessandro Altavilla, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2012.

Project website: .

Taranto, an ancient colony of Magna Graecia, for centuries port and maritime town, a hundred years ago has been transformed into the main industrial (and polluted) center of southern Italy.

Click on each point for more documentation.

A) Via Duomo, City of Taranto - The earth of the town of Taranto.
B) ILVA - The biggest steel plant in europe.
C) Hospital "Moscati" - Local center for treating cancers and pathology caused by industrail pollution
D) Cemetery "San Brunone" - Partcular for the pink color of the graveyards, caused by the flow of iron dust produced by the nearby steel plant.

An idea by Alessandro Altavilla.
Text by Alessandro Altavilla and Giulio Farella.
Icons designed by Misbug.
