Mosaica - Call for Projects - deadline January 1

Call for online projects:

Project Mosaica, a new website devoted to contemporary Jewish culture online, is seeking projects from individuals and groups on the theme of Jews and Diaspora: Jewish Culture, Web Culture, New Culture. Two $1,000 (CND) production honoraria will be awarded to the successful candidates whose web projects address the possibilities of the virtual diaspora with this theme.

Projects should be innovative and address the visual possibilities of the web as well as contribute to an understanding of the multi-valent nature, complexities, significance and changes in meaning of diaspora. This call is intended to be as inclusive as possible: projects enlisting any and all artistic disciplines are welcome.

Provide a project description in 500 words including the following: a statement about the project’s relationship to Jews and diaspora; why the web is a viable medium for the project; and an explanation of how the project will be sustainable beyond implementation.

Include a web-ready presentation.

Include a CV.

Include a selected portfolio of previous work in CD-R, DV-R or video-DVD (region-one compatible) as appropriate, featuring no more than three images or five minutes of video.

Proposals to be submitted in English or French; however, we recognize that other languages may play a role in the final project.

Innovative content and its adaptation to web aesthetics will be the primary consideration in the selection process. Artists will maintain copyright of their productions, which will be disseminated by Mosaica on the site and may be presented at public talks and screenings. Submission material will not be returned.

Applications must be submitted by January 1, 2005.
Online applications are to be submitted to [email protected]
Decision date: Candidates will be notified by March 1, 2005.
A condition of the honorarium is completion of the project by September 1, 2005.