Sonic Seminars 2011

  • Type: event
  • Location: Hangar, Passatge Marquès de Santa Isabel, 40, Barcelona, Barcelona, 08018, ES
  • Starts: Sep 30 2011 at 6:00PM
  • outbound link ↱
This autumn’s seminar series will be dedicated to computer music performance and composition. Four leading practitioners will guide participants from the fundamental concepts of audio synthesis and computer programming to more advanced topics, including sound analysis, just-in-time programming, communication with hardware devices and stochastic composition.
The course has the additional goal of functioning as a progressive
introduction to SuperCollider, a free cross-platform environment for sound synthesis, analysis and composition that is used by musicians, artists and scientists alike for a wide range of purposes: from composing generative music to developing electronic instruments, building interactive installations or sonifying scientific data.
30.9.2011 & 1-2/10.2011 - Introduction to Sound Synthesis and SuperCollider, led by Thor Magnusson.
28/29/30.10.2011 - Practical Sound Analysis, led by Fredrik Olofsson.
26/27/28.11.2011 - Just-In-Time Programming, Interfaces and Performance with Computers, led by Alberto de Campo.
16/17/18.12.2011 - Stochastic Composition and Synthesis, led by Sergio Luque.
Price: 90€ each seminar or 200/220€ the whole course (one single payment / installment payment)
This activity is organized by l’ull cec with the collaboration of Consell
Nacional de la Cultura i les Arts, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona,
Elektronmusikstudion and Hangar.