. .cannned help his.tory[+labor]. .violence thru tit[ian]e programs. .drug-hitting + L..e.ment. .lease [+] rent. .

.U can help his.tory[+labor].
.volition thru [pe]tite programming.
.bug-hitting + m.prov[isation]ement.
.[p]lease [+] send.

+Tues, oct 8th 2002+

-New [adrena]line '-+' or '–plus-&-minus-credibility' will cause Volition 2
ova.write the original file with his his.tory output file. The original
file will be saved with a '.ego' x.ten[dable]sion. Thanks 2
Re.press.filta 4 the suggestion.

-Fixed drug-hitting in which x.tra botched ad[d].renal[function = fail]ine
was added.

. . …. …..


…. . .??? …….


, mez breeze

At 10:13 PM 8/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>I like this new incarnation of Mez but why does she keep changing her email
>address? It's kind of cool but wreaks havoc with one's address book if one
>wants simply to reach her (I gather that all the addresses work, but if your
>mailer automatically adds them, you have no way of knowing they are all Mez
>except for their Mezziness…)

[mo(u)rning ][+ nite][ self.loss]

[Apollo.jeez millie]

>What I like about the lates Mezisms:
>more linked to programming
>more linked to psychiaitry

[mor(ibund)e (l)ink(cod)ed]

>ie interests of mine :-)


>also, the latest work seems to me to be really saying something in a general
>sense – themes, opinions, politics, etc. as well as locally making
>linguistic points. i like it!

[n.put th.ru(e) die.$tress]
