Election night at DEMOCRACY IS FUN?

October 21 - November 6, 2004

OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, October 21st, 6-8pm
With "Speech for the End of the World",   Randall M. Packer, Secretary, US Department of Art & Technology

ELECTION NIGHT event: Tuesday, November 2, 2004
a night to unite for the democratic practice, featuring screenings, and performances by Larry Litt and Screensavers Group.

Participating Artists:
Anne-Marie Schleiner / Bjørn Melhus / Hug & Magnan /
Jonah Bruckner-Cohen/ Kendell Geers/  Larry Litt/
Michael Anderson / Pursue the Pulse/ Randall Packer
/ Ricardo Miranda Zuniga / Serkan Ozkaya / Assume
Vivid Astro Focus / Sisley Xhafa            
Bikes Against Bush/ Blame Show/ Bush League /
CoDECK / Contagious Media/ Experimental Party /
Freedom Salon / K48 / Majority Whip / Screensavers
Group/ Six Feet Under: Make Nice / Imagine Festival
Concept origin: Eleanor Heartney and Larry Litt
Organized by Michele Thursz and Defne Ayas.
New York, NY - From October 14 - November 6, 2004,
White Box will present Democracy is Fun?, an
exhibition that explores how the cross-pollination of media, technology and culture impacts artistic
production and the social mechanism of art in politically tense times. Inspired to propose a new possibility for
curatorial process in the upsurge in election-related exhibitions and adhering to the spirit of democracy, Democracy is Fun? is organized to provide a physical and virtual platform to demonstrate, document and archive curatorial and artist-led actions with a proficiency of technological production tools. Democracy is Fun? brings together, through a collective production-survey, a group of actions with the purpose to unite various perspectives on American politics. Through the interruption of singular actions, Democracy is Fun? exposes the distinctive concerns of these cultural producers as a whole, while accentuating a stance of democracy which can hold many perspectives.


For further information and/or images please contact 212-714-2347 or
[email protected]

White Box is a 501[c][3] not-for-profit arts organization.  Donations are Tax Deductible to the Full Extent of the Law.
525 West 26th Street
New York, NY  10001
Tel 212-714-2347