Looking for the new universal harmony

Icelandic artist Pall Thayer has released a new project titled "Looking for=
the new universal harmony". This is a multi-user interface allowing the us=
er to manipulate both sound and image. How the users interaction appears in=
the work is based on the users IP number. That's the "new universal" part.=
A persons identity on the internet has little or nothing to do with nation=
ality. What really defines us are our IP numbers so what I'm doing is seper=
ating all possible network identities into three different groups in the au=
dio portion and individually unique appearances (color) in the visual porti=
on. All of this is based on IP numbers rather than nationality. As many of =
you know, there are no nation-specific patterns in IP numbers. Even here in=
tiny Iceland I've seen IP numbers starting with anything from sixty-someth=
ing up to two hundred and seventeen.

Pall Thayer