Sonic Seminars

l'ull cec has prepared four seminars dealing with different aspects of sound creation, both from a theoretical as well as from a practical perspective.

Following is a list of the seminars offered from october until december:

08/09/10.10.2010 - Sonic Pointillism: Granular Synthesis with SuperCollider.
led by Fredrik Olofsson

19/20/21.11.2010 - Data-driven Sound Synthesis: Sound Synthesis Informed by Analysis Data.
led by Stefan Kersten and Wernfried Lackner

27/28.11.2010 i 04/05.12.2010 - The Practice of Phonography and The Politics of Sounds. A Theoretical and Practical Introduction to Field Recording.
led by Gilles Aubry

17/18/19.12.2010 - Algorithmic and Systems’ Music. An Introduction to Generative Systems as Applied to Art and Music in Particular.
led by Roc Jiménez de Cisneros, with the participation of Wernfried Lackner

To sign up or request further information, please send an email to [email protected], adding a brief note about your interests, previous experience or motivation.

This activity is organized by l'ull cec with the collaboration of Consell Nacional de la Cultura i les Arts and the support of Hangar.