Durations: Loops and Iterations

Durations: Loops and Iterations
Marc Lafia

Much video, software and sound art of recent years has concerned itself with
loops, playing continuously or simply as playback systems or more closely
examined in their structures. With computation, loops become routines,
become iterative, in fact become new formulations of time or duration. In
this two screen, or two monitor work as installed at M3 Projects in DUMBO, I
am interested in the relationship between these two grammars, one of
repetition and the other, iteration. Using the same piece of video footage,
one run as a continuous loop, actually two loops intersecting and the other
run in a computational engine, I am interested in the dialogue and
correspondence of these differences and how they figure duration.

Please come and have a look.

OPENING EVENT: Thursday, September 19th, 6pm - 9pm, Sponsored by Stella

ARTISTS: Over 40 artists have been selected to participate in this