the DISTRICT OF LEISTAVIA welcomes you at ISEA 2004

{??&theDISTRICT OF LEISTAVIAwelcomesyou||participate++.1234END}

Do not adjust your keyboard. This is a call to artists and interested persons: you are invited to participate, collaborate and contribute.

Gender equality, sustainable use of resources, birds, cats, boats, hybrid cultures and interconnections between cultures: are one or more of these of interest to you? If so, this projects invites your participation.

the DISTRICT OF LEISTAVIA welcomes you at ISEA 2004
Internet space will be territorialised as part of a project for ISEA 2004. The project falls within the umbrella of the interRepublic of Hybridia, a nonlinear, non-geographical entity mediated by digital files - it's cultural boundary is ultimately flexible.

The District of Leistavia within the interRepublic of Hybridia is a projected hybrid cultural space influenced by cultures worldwide. People of all backgrounds are invited to contribute. The project is one of a growing number of ‘digital fluxus’ type events. Contributions can be in the form of the gift of images (copyright free only), taking part in the discussion and collaborating.

Interested persons and artists are free to dream of a space unhindered by orthodoxy, where hierarchy is not presumed. The space will then be created. What is able to be done in the name of Leistavia depends on the discussion that occurs.

If a zone was territorialised from law making up, what kind of zone would be generated, in 2004? That is one question this project sets out to answer. The discussion will take place via email, be documented on web pages and an image collection assembled and projected. Should this space then be de-territorialised?

Image and text context
Cultural interconnections will be sought and images combined and manipulated to suit. People of all cultures are invited to take part in the project, and a special request is made to people of the cultures of Estonia and Finland, and Pitcairn-Norfolk culture. These and other cultural energies will flow through the DISTRICT OF LEISTAVIA [see note 1 below].

The 1838 Laws of Pitcairn Island, a unique document, is used as a starting point for locating connections. The Laws gave women and men the vote and made education compulsory for both genders. Sustainable use of wood resource was vital. The gravest criminal act in 1838 was to kill a cat, for which there was a fine of $50. There were no laws against assault, stealing or murder as these were unknown. White birds were also protected in the Laws.

Aspects of the Pitcairn Laws used as context for cultural interconnection in this project are gender equality, sustainability, and birds & cats. Boat stories or mythologies are also likely to be an interconnecting factor. Further interconnections may also be discovered in the process.

What to do
Email the co-ordinating artist Ian M Clothier at [email protected] and register your interest. Please read the comments about contributions by clicking on the {+GIVE%=YOU} link, and related material at the project interim web pages:

Ian M Clothier

Note 1. Known main cultural groups in Finland, Estonia, Norfolk Island and Pitcairn Island are: Finn, Swede, Sami, Roma, Tatar, Estonian, Russian, Ukranian, Belarusian, descendants of Bounty mutineers, English, Tahitian, Australian, New Zealander, Maori, Polynesian and others. Others are welcome to contribute/participate.