Plexus: network for the arts community in Plymouth

InNoPO is pleased to announce the launch of Plexus, a web platform, database, and network for the arts community in Plymouth, United Kingdom.

Plexus is the first remote collaborative project between InNoPO (HK) & InNoPO (UK), providing research activity on network media and online behaviours.

This wiki site was set up by artists, for artists, with the aim to provide a free space to promote activities, share ideas, call for collaborations, and keep up to date with the latest art events. Plexus is an open environment where you can create, edit, or delete content, providing a co-operative focal point for the city’s art scene.

Plexus is for anyone interested in the arts, and does not discriminate against discipline or theme.
Plexus invites content from individuals, artist-led groups, charities and other non-profit organisations engaged in art, and who are based in Plymouth.

Plexus is created, moderated, and owned by the community who uses it.

The launch party will be held on 25th Feb @ Batter St Studio, Plymouth Arts Centre.

Besides, we would like to localize this platform and deploy to Hong Kong Digital Art Community as a support to the field and research in different cultural environment. Currently we are seeking for interested party or collaborator to work on this project. For any interested party, please email to [email protected]

For details, please visit

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