Icelandtrain Fashion Show!


A fashion collection for the first Icelandic railway company: Icelandtrain.

Following the choice of many other train companies around the world that have enrolled artists and designers to design their uniform collection, the new company Icelandtrain has chosen the young artist Etienne de France.

The young French artist based in Reykjavik, Etienne de France, will unveil a first version of the Icelandtrain collection presenting 10 different uniforms for both male and female. The presentation will have an emphasis on the train staff, the iconic figure of the stationmaster and the rail maintenance personal.

The presentation of the Icelandtrain uniforms collection will happen during a fashion show in Listasafn Íslands (The National Gallery of Iceland, Fríkirkjuvegur 7, 101 Reykjavík) at 9PM, as an event and part of the Museum Night, featuring a live performance by Magnús B. Skarphéðinsson. An exhibition of the Icelandtrain company concept will be held the same evening in Alliance Française (Tryggvagata 8, 101 Reykjavík).

For more informations about Icelandtrain, please consult the official website:

In this project Etienne de France designed the collection in collaboration with the fashion designer Elma Backman and the musician/artist Rebekka B. Björnsdottir. The visual artist and musician Magnus B. Skarphedinsson (Quadruplos, Magnoose) is creating an original soundtrack for the fashion show.


Born in 1984, Etienne de France received a B.A in Art History in Paris (2002-2005), and then completed a B.A in Visual arts in the Iceland Art Academy of Reykjavik (2005-2008). He works with various media, focusing mostly on photography, video and audiovisual performances. Experimenting with diverse presentations that combine those medias (books, installations A/V performances, interactive works), by challenging narration, he is trying to mix these medias in different ways, to create what he calls “poetic-myths”, which stand often between reality and fiction. His work has been shown as installations or performances in Iceland, Europe and South America.

Elma Backman is an Icelandic fashion designer. Graduating from the Iceland Academy of Arts in 2006, Elma has been working for Martine Sitbon in Paris, and has an extensive experience through various projects for theatre design and costumes (for example, costumes for a GusGus music video).

Rebekka B. Björnsdóttir is a musician. She is a member of the successful band Hjaltalín, and has been playing and recording for artists such as the members of the Bedroom Community label. She has also always had a great interest in design and fine arts and has worked on numerous projects in advertising and movie production.

Íslandslest - Tískusýning

Fatalína fyrir hið fyrsta íslenska lestafyrirtæki

Líkt og mörg önnur samgöngufyrirtæki víðsvegar um heiminn hefur Íslandslest valið listamann/hönnuð til að hanna fatnað starfsmanna sinna. Fyrir valinu varð franski listamaðurinn Etienne de France.

Þessi ungi listamaður, sem búsettur er og starfar hér á landi, mun sýna fyrstu drög að einkennisbúningunum á glæsilegri tískusýningu í Listasafni Íslands (Fríkirkjuvegi 7, 101 Reykjavík) kl 21:00 á Safnanótt, n.k. föstudag 12. febrúar 2010. Mynd- og tónlistarmaðurinn Magnús B. Skarphéðinsson (Quadruplos, Magnoose) mun flytja tónlist sína við tískusýninguna. Sama kvöld verður sýning um Íslandslest í Alliance Française (Tryggvagötu 8, 101 Reykjavík).

Fleiri upplýsingar um Íslandslest má finna á:

Við gerð fatalínunnar vann Etienne de France með fatahönnuðinum Elmu Backman og tónlistarmanninum Rebekku B. Björnsdóttur.