RHIZOME RAW: revolutionary strategys

Hi, Lee!

Why a 1.000.000 person march over Washington? For what? The crow yelling=
some slogans, two or three order words, maybe to have some confronts with =
the police and in the end, all this people return to their homes, watching =
television and see images of this giant manifestation on a 1.000.000 screen=
s! Sorry to disappoint you, but the tactics of the May of 68 are obsolete a=
nd, unfortunately, in the anti-globalization movements, i don't see the eme=
rgence of a new mode of collective action, but this movements, continue to =
follow the patterns that don't work anymore! And Max Herman was right, when=
he wrote: "Seems to me a case of too much conversation and no action!" In=
fact, the art or the philosophy, in my way of think, only have sense in th=
e "praxis". "In the beginning there was the action", Toni Negri said in the=
book, "Les Nouveaux espaces de liberte", by Felix Guattari. Even so, t=
his email i send to you, is not to talk about books, but is to define some =
concrete strategies of fighting and i would like to hear your opinion, of s=
ome ideas to concern of political action.
You know, in this actual state of things, only matter the identity, th=
e supervalue. So, the strategy is to annul this supervalue from the bodies =
and corrupt the identity, accepted by the generality of the society, simple=
as that! Change the trade marks of the objects and replace them for one na=
me, invented by you. Scraping the logtype of everything, in order to erasur=
e for complete all the lebels. Imagine a particular mark of cars, without h=
er star! What you think it would happen? It simply would exist anymore!
Try spread the message: jeans, computers, videos, televisions, takin=
g off their signs of supervalue! It would be the caos, if most of the peopl=
e would act that way!
Now, imagine a hundred guys, in front of a store, dressing from the fe=
et to the top of the head, clothes of this mark and with scissors, cutting-=
up all the lebels! Destroying a lebel in a particular object, that you paid=
for it, could be a crime? I'm not jurist, but i don't thing so and any mar=
k of the world, pay to you to advertise her products in your body! But, ima=
gine the scene, day by day, in the televisions all over the world, you see =
people setting free of labels and after, you have publicity of the same tra=
de marks in the break time of the TV shows! That was a untenable paradox fo=
r the capitalism system…
Think of that!

Best regards:

Joao Pedro

P.S. Sorry by the writing errors of my last message. I was very tired =
and is hard to me, work all day in portuguese language and after this, writ=
e in english.

[email protected]