[info] paseos con arte al fondo: 0100101110101101.ORG

ciclo::::::::::::::::::::::::paseos con arte al fondo


patrocinio:::::::::::::::::::cam (caja del mediterraneo)

direccion::::::::::::::::::::nilo casares


sala:::::::::::::::::::::::::aula de cultura cam
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::pza. del mercado, 4
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::46002- valencia
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t: +34 963913396

::::::::::::::::paseos con arte al fondo::::::::::::::::

una didactica del arte contemporaneo para presentar las claves de
nuestros dias, porque la didactica del arte es imprescindible para
que la gente vaya por el como por su casa con la misma familiaridad
que el arte moderno obtiene de la escuela y las costumbres bien

este recreo pausado tiene la duracion extensa del ano academico, con
inicio en septiembre y termino en junio.

los paseos cobran tantas formas cuantas requieran el interes y las
caracteristicas de lo presentado, conferencias, introducciones
especificas, presentaciones de obras y visitas guiadas por sus
autores, mesas de discusion, performances, interpretaciones
artisticas cada mes y siempre en su ultima semana.

paseos con arte al fondo, un acontecimiento repetido para hacer del
arte contemporaneo la costumbre abierta que nos falta.


il lavoro di 0100101110101101.ORG e stato mostrato e commissionato
internazionalmente in occasione di: "manifesta 4", frankfurt 2002;
"mediations", austrian cultural forum, new york 2002; "intermedium2",
zkm, karlsruhe 2002; "korea web art festival", seoul 2001; "49th
biennale di venezia", 2001; valencia biennial 2001; "double life",
generali foundation, wien 2001; "jerome commission", walker art
centre, minneapolis 2000; ars electronica 2000, linz; "zac99", musee
d'art moderne de la ville de paris 1999. il loro lavoro e stato
recensito e pubblicato in: the new york times, el pais, britannica,
wired, berliner zeitung, le monde, haaretz, and temaceleste among

curriculum vitae dettagliato:

rassegna stampa dettagliata:


nobody knows with precision who's hidden behind the name
0100101110101101.ORG. anything has been said about this renegade
cyber-entity, accused of being "simple thief", dubbed as "media
dandy" and "cultural terrorists". they are the authors of some of the
most perfect media exploits of the last years, such as the creation
and diffusion, at the opening of the 49th venice biennial, of the
computer virus "biennale.py" or the memorable theft of the art
gallery hell.com. a famous art website, covered by password and
copyright and accessible only to a close group of subscribers. their
most enigmatic work, to which they attend since years, is called
glasnost - transparency - and consists on monitoring the data trail
that a person produces while living. with the project life_sharing
they opened up and made public all the contents of their own
computer, transparent and accessible from the whole world through the
internet, in real time. ideas, projects, archives, databases, bank
account and even the private mail are visible by whom has no fear of
getting lost in that huge labyrinth of data. since the beginning of
the project vopos they wear a gps transmitter that, exchanging
data/coordinates with the satellites, transmits on their website, in
real time, their exact position on the urban environment.

copyleft (todos los derechos al reves) by nilo casares

beijos em espiral:: besos en espiral:: besades en espiral:: baisers
en spirale:: baci a spirale:: spiral kisses :: spiral kyssar::