RGB MusicLab: Image & 3D object into music

New version RGB MusicLab V30 can convert 3D object into music.

RGB MusicLab converts RGB (Red, Green and Blue) value of an image and surface points (X, Y, Z) of 3D object to chromatic scale sounds. The program reads RGB value of pixels from the top left to the bottom right of an image. One pixel makes a harmony of three note of RGB value, and the length of note is determined by brightness of the pixel. RGB value 120 or 121 is the middle C, and RGB value 122 or 123 is added a half steps of the scale that is C#. Pure black that is R=0, G=0, B=0 is no sounds.

It is not an impression of a painting or a photograph of a musical variation. It is not an arbitrary process. It composes a score from an image directly. It is simple and clear algorithm, and does not have any hidden or mysterious tricks.

Freeware RGB MusicLab V30 MacOS and Windows:

What's New in 30:
• Surface points of 3D object can be converted to RGB Music.
• Added 3D drawing tool pallet. Can import Waterfront obj file.
• Create RGB Music Sequence has 3D drawing animation.
• Added RGB Music RENGA in Theatre menu.
• Added new scale filters in Change Mosaic menu.

Every media artist should have one!