Adventures in Immediate Unreality

9/1 - 30/1 2010
Opening Friday 8/1, 5-7 PM
Beaver Projects, Strandlodsvej 15, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark

Adventures in Immediate Unreality

Beaver Projects proudly presents the solo exhibition Adventures in Immediate Unreality by Anders Bojen & Kristoffer Ørum (1976/1975). Since 2001 the two artists have worked collaboratively on a variety of projects ranging from internet projects to outdoor video, sculpture and performance projects. Adventures in Immediate Unreality consists of four separate events in space and time, all unfolding and changing during the exhibition.

- A green surface with a green smell of newly mowed grass provides a tactile as well as abstract sensation of a landscape both well-known and unreal. Every day during the exhibition period the surface will be painted with green chlorophyll extracted from grass. As the chlorophyll fades and changes colour, and one opaque layer is covered by another, patterns reminiscent of a landscape will begin to emergence.

- Computer generated landscapes in films and computer games increasingly influence the way we imagine alternatives to our present day lives. In collaboration with Ardor3D, who have worked with among others NASA, the artists have developed a real-time 3D programme. On a flat-screen panel continents emerge on one globe after another in an infinite series of alternative worlds. Each potentially inhabitable world is a unique computer generated model and exists only while it is observed.

- During the exhibition a printer will print out emails describing fictional events taking place on Amager. These messages will simultaneously be sent to random email addresses in the local Amager area close to the Gallery. Each email contains a unique, computer generated text, announcing fictional construction projects ranging from the plausible to the fantastic. These spam mails to strangers will become part of the ongoing re-imagining of Amager carried on by local government, private enterprise and other forces: What used to be a mixed working class and industrial area is turning into an up-scale residential area.

- A tangible piece of immediate unreality - a fragment of a much larger ornamented architectural structure - cuts through the walls of the gallery forming an inaccessible space within. This wall can be seen as a piece of utopian architecture or a fragment of a computer game. It draws equal inspiration from computer games and Russian Agitprop, thus commenting on the ways in which heroic utopian ideas live on in computer games and other elements of popular culture.

The diversity of Anders Bojen & Kristoffer Ørum's work springs from their fascination with the way in which media seem to penetrate everyday life. Anders and Kristoffer collect material from both the immediacy of the everyday and the unreality of the media and process them into projects of their own. The associative nature of these projects prompts the spectator to think about his or her own relationship to the myths of today’s media-saturated reality.
