_:terror(aw)ed patches:_

_:terror(aw)ed patches:_
A Google Wave(let) Transformation by Shane Hinton + Netwurker Mez, 2009

Shane Hinton + Netwurker Mez create a new method of collaborative “fiction” through _live concurrent editing_ in Google Wave. This process results in expressive output termed “Transformations”:

“Google Wave uses an algorithmic variation of “operational transformations” [live concurrent editing] which occur through a process called transformation:

* The server transforms the client’s request, resulting in the client manifesting the same transformed output.
* The notion of concurrency is invariably important as it mimics geophysical conversational states.
* Utilizing the server as a point of relay [when more than one client's output is involved] assists in providing scalability and reliability.
* The playback feature allows the server to present the document as a stream of operations that have occurred thus far in a particular wave/state.

Transformation relies on continual modification…This accent on process acts to rewire the notion of documents as statically defined “objects” and [by proxy] any information contained within. This has enormous implications in regards to such institutionally-governed categories such as literacy, media, the professional/amateur divide, narrative, and information construction.”
[ From: http://arsvirtuafoundation.org/research/2009/06/01/_social-tesseracting_-part-2/ ]

Feedback appreciated.