The Rock Face Project

The Rock Face Project
Devin Moore

Are you planning to visit a landmark? With your help, I will construct a network of secondary landmarks in close proximity to primary landmarks around the world. Often times people want to leave a secondary mark near a primary land mark, i.e. "I was here". However, this can be illegal, dangerous, and time-consuming. I offer a way to produce a secondary mark in a safe, removable and legal way, and to participate in a worldwide art effort at the same time.
The steps are as follows:

1) You need 7 rocks and a camera. Go to the location you wish to leave the mark.

2) Arrange the 7 rocks in the shape of a face: 1 for each eye, and 5 for the smile. Be sure the rocks aren't creating an illegal obstruction, or aren't in a place that is illegal to be or place rocks. I am not condoning illegal activities, and I can't be responsible for any stunts you might try to pull off. For example, don't try to jump the fence to put rocks on the white house lawn, put them on the sidewalk outside the fence!

3) Photograph the arrangement in such a way as both the arrangement and a recognizable portion of the primary landmark are in view, if possible.

Send the photographs to me (email photos must be smaller than 1 MB, or use the PO box on the site) for recognition and inclusion in the final artwork, an online landmark map and what will hopefully be a great collaborative work – a work that becomes more infamous and popular the longer and wider its reach becomes. Imagine one day when every landmark you visit has a collection of rock faces nearby! This is a non-profit work, so the return to you is to have collaborated in a great effort. Photos submitted by mail cannot be returned.

Thanks for your time,
Devin Moore