Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam #10

Pecha Kucha Night Amsterdam #10
12 speakers, 20 slides, 20 seconds
Wednesday 8th of July 2009, 21.00 hrs.

It is time for the third Pecha Kucha Night of 2009, third time in a row at Mediamatic. This evening is a mix between speeddating and elevator pitches, filled with inspiring presentations, speakers, new ideas by among others José de la O., Shane Hutton (Modernista!), Renato Valdés Olmos (My Name is E), Joost Janmaat/Christian Ernsten (Partizan Publik), Johannes Sterk/Elias Tieleman (Vlaaishow) and many others.

During the breaks there is time for //chit chat//, drinks and video. Presentations are in Dutch and English and start at 21.00 hrs. Door opens at 20.20. Admission 7 euro.

Here you can let us know if you are coming. Or visit

Organized by Pecha Kucha / Golfstromen, hosted by Mediamatic.