Indie Arcade: Coast to Coast - Smithsonian American Art Museum

  • Location: Smithsonian American Art Museum, 8th and F NW, Washington, District of Columbia, District of Columbia, 20004, US
  • Deadline: Sep 1 2015 at 11:50PM
  • outbound link ↱
The Indie Arcade: Coast to Coast is an annual event hosted by the Smithsonian American Art Museum and its partners American University Game Lab, Magfest, and the mid-Atlantic chapters of the International Game Developer's Association (IGDA). The event affords creative independent game designers and developers the opportunity to show their work at a 1-day event open to the public. In it's first year 20 independent game developers showed their work to an audience of more than 4,000 people. It is the biggest event of its type in the nation's capital - Washington, DC.

We are now accepting applications for inclusion in the 2016 event. Please submit your work before September 1, 2015.

The selection criteria include game quality, novelty, and ability to engage a wide audience.

We have two sections for exhibiting. The main section includes a variety of digital and analog games for general entertainment. The second section includes games designed to educate, create social impact or other serious topics. Makers of "art games" and creative play are encouraged to submit their work for inclusion.

This is a family-friendly event where hundreds of people an hour may play your game. Selected games will be included in a printed catalog of independent game makers.

Submission form and additional information are available at

This event is managed by Chris Totten and Lindsay Grace, both of the American University Game Lab. Submissions will be evaluated by a committee of awarded game designers, artists, academics and other professionals.