Alex Inglizian rocks dorkbot Chicago! May 27, 7 PM

It's on again as Alex Inglizian rocks a presentation/workshop on "integrating hacked, modified, and circuit bent devices into a tempo synced electronic music system." This is your chance to get your hands dirty @ dorkbot Chicago and dig into a fresh plate of Chicago style dirty circuit bending! As always, dorkbot Chicago is FREE (as in pizza and beer, and also free as in speech and software)!


Wednesday May 27 2009


7 PM


Enemy Sound
1550 N. Milwaukee Ave 3rd Fl.
Chicago, IL 60622




What is a "dorkbot"?! The idea of the international dorkbot network is "people doing strange things with electricity" and meeting in informal, friendly environments to discuss their projects. These projects could include hardware hacks, New Media Art projects, creative code, circuit bent musical instruments or wild DIY garage science!