Luminous Clothing

Wearable technology has been around for a while. What do we want to do with it?

In a series of workshops Mediamatic will explore "techno"-clothing. Clothing that lights up in the dark, clothing that sings when it is touched and clothing that moves when it is cold. Bring your own garment and add new input and output devices to it!

Nadya Peek worked at Mediamatic for more than four years. While working here she studied at the University of Amsterdam, majoring in artificial intelligence. Now she's a student at MIT Media Lab in Boston.

Visibility / luminance
Finally, the return of the LED! What can we do with (blinking) lights, photoresistors and other seeing input devices that isn't just flashy and annoying? What are applications for sensing light levels?

What to bring?
Please bring a garment you want to use (dress, coat, pants, underwear etc.). We have a little set of electronics for you here to play and experiment with.

When & where?
RSVP by clicking the 'make reservation for this activity' button on this page. A maximum of 14 participants per workshop can join. Times are from 13.00 - 17.00 hours. Location is Mediamatic Bank, Vijzelstraat 68, Amsterdam

Payment & more information
Workshop costs € 35. Please pay in cash upon arrival. Price includes the electronics kit.
If you have questions or need more information please contact workshop coordinator Deborah Meibergen at deborah [at] or by phone: +31 (0) 20 638 9901