The Vincenzo Beforenowafter Theorem book signing and launch party for Diana Jacob’s “dustmuffin” jewelry company

The Vincenzo Beforenowafter Theorem book signing
and launch party for Diana Jacobs' “dustmuffin” jewelry company
Join us for homemade breakfast and dessert muffins, Champagne,
and of course books, jewelry and assemblages by Ms. Jacobs.

Reception: Sunday, May 3, 2009
1 pm - 4 pm
Diana Jacobs’ Studio
822 S. Wall Street, Unit 201
Los Angeles, CA 90014
[email protected]

on-line press release with images:

Time is a theme in Diana Jacobs’ art: working with history, memory and the layering of ideas though imagery and objects. Walking into Ms. Jacobs’ studio in Los Angeles, one might feel like a character trapped inside of a curio cabinet, or as if they’re poking through their great, great, great grandmother’s interesting-yet-slightly-creepy attic all alone. Curiosity is inspired and the snooping instinct kicks in as one is surrounded by found objects and history: science, botany and biology, 19th Century Doll parts, bones, vintage watches, antique jewels, sparkly beads, brilliant feathers, fabric, wire and wings. Each item has its own unique long story to tell. Ms. Jacobs understands that inanimate objects sometimes need a bit of help expressing themselves.

Ms. Jacobs’ new book The Vincenzo Beforenowafter Theorem is an exploration of time in 25 images. The book contains haunting and thought-provoking images which took Ms. Jacobs and photographer Kerry Vitiello over a year to piece together. During that time, Ms. Jacobs traveled to France and Turkey while Vitiello journeyed to Africa. When they were finally in Los Angeles at the same time, the pair sat down with their individual works, blending and expanding them to create The Vincenzo Beforenowafter Theorem.
Artwork (assemblages and vintage clock installations) used as inspiration for the images by Diana Jacobs. Photography by Kerry Vitiello. Story by Diana Jacobs and Kerry Vitiello. 9” by 9”, 32 pages, first edition printing of 1000, split between a perfect bound soft cover, $28.00 and a numbered hardcover edition, proudly printed on all recycled papers.

A few years ago Diana Jacobs started experimenting with wearable art. Using many of the same elements in her large-scale work, she created and wore her own assemblage pins, brooches and pendants. These pieces attracted customers who purchased her creations right off of her person on the mean streets of Beachwood Canyon! Soon after, Ms. Jacobs started designing earrings and necklaces…
And thus, dustmuffin was born!
And the world rejoiced…especially the cat.
(After all, an entire company was named after her.)
dustmuffin’s designs have three categories:

dustmuffin tulip
Celebrate the beginning of spring, year round. Designs created with Venetian glass, fresh Swarovski crystals and other unique beads. Chains from silver or gold.

dustmuffin violet
Classic updated parlor wear. These pieces are created using vintage beads, watch parts, vintage crystals and other findings.
Gilded and glistening!

dustmuffin lotus
Stones and gems are the stars. You’ll be cocktail-party ready, that’s for sure. Delicious mounds of crystals, stalactites, tourmaline, turquoise and jade.


Diana Jacobs’ background in the art community is diverse - from working with commercial artists on Madison Avenue, gallery work on Melrose and freelancing as an illustrator at the Huntington Gardens to teaching at Otis-Parsons. During the last fourteen years, she has focused mainly on her studio work. Her mixed-media and print work has been internationally exhibited and shown throughout the United States. Ms. Jacobs’ work also regularly appears in feature films and on television. In the past few years she completed illustrations for The Memory Bible and i Brain by Dr. Gary Small, created a work for The Book Of Lies (a large-scale collaborative piece by the late Eugenia Butler), and was an arts panelist at the Conference of World Affairs, University of Colorado at Boulder.

Diana Jacobs was born and raised on Long Island. She began studying art as a teenager and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh. After moving to Los Angeles, she received certificates in botanical and zoological illustration from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles. Currently, Ms. Jacobs is working on her latest body of assemblages titled Time Travelers and creating designs for her new jewelry line, dustmuffin. Her book, The Vincenzo Beforenowafter Theorem, is fresh off the press.