Dreams and Art: Painting, Photography, Prints

The Six Inch Gallery is a virtual gallery. It is a collaborative effort between Orlando Leibovitz and various artists. Orlando draws the rooms and the visitors, digitally hanging other artists’ paintings, drawings and photographs.
Link to an article about Six Inch Gallery ttp://www.local-iq.com/arts/107-profile4/3655-off-the-white-wall.html

Six Inch Gallery is looking for painting, photography, and prints that depict or reference dreams.

Dreams and Art will be part of Currents 2015, and will be shown there June 12-28, 2015 and at SixInchGallery.com

Currents is an annual new media festival that shows established and emerging New Media artists in interactive and fine art video installations, multimedia performances, single channel video, animation, digital dome programs, experimental documentary and web based/app art forms.
Currents is found at http://currentsnewmedia.org/festivals/currents-2015/

Email submissions to [email protected]
Include work title, artist name, and image file (jpeg preferred)
Deadline for submissions is April 15th 2015
Artists will be notified by April 30th 2015 of their inclusion.

