Sound Seeker by David Jhave Johnston on

David Jhave Johnston (Canada)

Sound Seeker is a "code-synch beat-match jump-edit txt-tool" written in
Actionscript. Jhave says Sound Seeker is "an online real-time
beat-synchronized poem animator. Sound drives the rhythm of the words: their
speed and style of display can be controlled." The homepage shows twelve
experimental video poems produced by Jhave with Sound Seeker. Access the
underlying interactive Flash app in the "Method" section. In the
"Motivation" section, Jhave discusses remarks by Rudolph Arnheim concerning
intermedia. A fascinating poetry, programming, video, audio, 3D animation,
and theory/poetics project-and the writing is very lively on its own. A
significant project in digital poetry of considerable achievement.

The Sound Seeker video poems on are fairly early in Jhave's
development of Sound Seeker. Here are some later ones: . I find these absorbingly watchable/
readable. As poems. As videos. As net art.