Radiant Copenhage

Radiant Copenhagen

March 27 at 5.30 pm Radiant Copenhagen is unleashed in the streets of Copenhagen at Overgaden - Institute of Contemporary Art. The opening offers an apocalyptic show as well as a general presentation of the project. March 28 at 12 noon and 3:00 pm a free guided bus tour sets off into the radiant future of Copenhagen, please book your seats on [email protected].

The artists Anders Bojen, Kristoffer Ørum and Kaspar Bonnén together with PhD in Literature Rune Graulund have worked with a team of architects, artists, designers, journalists, engineers and musicians to create a new vision for Copenhagen, an imaginary future as a reaction to the present day. All contributors share an interest in alternative realities and how these, through the internet and other media, play an increasing important role in our common understanding of the world.

Radiant Copenhagen is an internet based project spreading into the world through various staged incidents. For example a person discussing the evolution and superior intellect of vegetables with local green grocers in Nørrebro, a procession for a new religion marching through the streets or a group of seemingly random people at a bar in Frederiksberg arguing over the Ministry of Danish Design.

Radiant Copenhagen is a device to challenge conventional thinking, an assault on the collective imagination of Copenhagen by which new possibilities for change are established. Be there for the opening March 27, check out radiantcopenhagen.net and otherwise prepare yourself for a new Copenhagen.

Contributors to Radiant Copenhagen are Kristoffer Ørum, Anders Bojen, Rune Graulund, Maja Zander, Kaspar Bonnén, Stig W. Jørgensen, Palle R Jensen, Ida Marie Hede Bertelsen, Peter Rasmussen, Kasper Hesselbjerg, Ulrik Nørgaard, Daphne Bidstrup, Andreas Pallisgaard og Kristian Haarløv.

Radiantcopenhagen.net will be accessible from March 21.