Web Video Biennial

The Web Art Center, is looking for video artists / colaboraters, to produce a Web Video Biennial, at the Web Art Center, bettwen October 15 and December 31. This project, directed by Jose Vieira, is one more of he’s colaborating projects held at the WAC.
The first project, directed by Jose Vieira was the Fonlad Festival, that has been evolving to a regular festival, out side the internet.
After Fonlad, José Vieira has produced the following colaborating projects: Fake Festival 2010 , NonBiennale 2011 , Non Biennale 2014 . Now the artist present a new project centered on video art for internet.
The project is open to all video artists who are interested in colaborate with José Vieira in a new web art project. Dead line for aplications: September 30.