Documenta XI:no laughing matter / A letter to Josephine Bosma (on Documenta XI)

If the most positive thing Josephine Bosma can say in the current Rhizome
Digest about Documenta is that it opens up exhibition/catalogue space to
melancholic documentary artists ignorant or uninterested in digital realms
who are neither white, male nor western - then it is true that this
political brainwash/agenda/mix makes for better television than
mega-exhibition. However, I want to hear from these documentary artists
directly. Where is the Documenta internet chat room / bbs this time? I would
like to know if for these artists this Documenta is more about techno
fatigue or digital divides? Hence, yes, in that sense we are witnessing the
art world equivalent of the bursting of the Internet dream. So where is the
Internet reality? In this sense the show lacks a revisitation to that which
has already "been done" before