After School Special


School, work, school. Alex Bag, Kika Thorne, Elisabeth Subrin. Cineworks presents After School Special, three videos from the late nineties as an attempt to flesh out the gap between the WACK! show at the Vancouver Art Gallery and contemporary feminist art practice.

With music by Peaches, Kika Thorne's Work stars real life artist Shary Boyle who plays an artist in a documentary that is not a documentary.

In Untitled Fall '95, Bag, the art student, "plays" Bag the art student. Through a series of deadpan performances, interspersed with fragments of pop detritus, Bjork, Hello Kitty, Killer Bunnies, Alex Bag successfully maintains television's banal, static and endearing ineptitudes.

A cinematic doppelganger without precedent, shot for shot, Elisabeth Subrin's Shulie reenacts a 1967 documentary portrait of a young Chicago art student, who a few years later would become a notable figure in Second Wave feminism and author of the radical 1970 manifesto, The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution. Not a clone in the end, but a brilliant rethinking of history. Subrin makes manifest the eternal return of film.

Join us post punk feminists at 7:30 on November 18 at the Pacific Cinemateque to view the distant past through the lens of the recent past.

Part of VAG WACK!

After School Special
Elisabeth Subrin // Shulie
Kika Thorne // Work
Alex Bag // Untitled Fall '95
18 November 2008, 7:30pm
Pacific Cinematheque [1131 Howe]
$8 Cineworks Members, $10 Non-members