[ ESC ] Salon & Mixer

… back by popular demand, our 3rd [ESC] salon + mixer!

[ ESC ] Salon + Mixer*
Electronic Social Club: a network of NYC graduate students connected by the practice of creating social dialogue through projects in media, art and design.

Friday November 14 | 7-10 pm
Hunter College | 695 Avenue
Room HN 543 | Black Box

…..new media projects, video art, web-based projects, experimental, interactive, performance, media art, installations, sound projects and games…..

Like a social club, [ ESC ] is formed around a common interest, activity or location. We bring together MFA students from across New York City to meet and showcase their graduate art work, and to form a common network around the theme of creating social dialogue through art and media.

*free and open to the public*
[email protected]

An event by EYEspeak and the students of Hunter College Integrated Media Arts MFA.

6 train to 68th street or F train to 63rd Street
enter on 69th street between Park + Lexington
take the elevator or stairs to the 5th floor