
Outside / Inside: Virtual Panoramas of Independence National Historical Park
Roderick Coover

APS Museum, Philadelphia
Through 28 December 2008

Visitors are virtual walkers entering into an interactive spiraling panorama. They explore the natural and virtual landscape of a small area of Philadelphia. The area was once home to tanneries, warehouses and a prison, and it is now the grounds of Independence National Historical Park – a park which reveals and conceals its pasts. Against a kaleidoscope of shifting park panoramas, the walker integrates layered fragments of original and historical texts. Weaving among the fragments, reader-viewers discover lessons of exploration, discovery, and loss. These fragments are set against a city-scape on which are layered additional motifs and character performances. In the panorama, reader-viewers discover links to embedded videos – portals of exploration. The work is one of a series of interactive panoramas by Roderick Coover. More information at http://www.roderickcoover.com and http://www.amphilsoc.org/museum/undaunted/outside.html.