FRIDAY October 10, 10pm:

PIXILERATED: Concert Performance I

First in a two-part series of groundbreaking electronic and interactive performances. Tonight features Jacob Richman, Lucky Leone, Arvid Tomayko-Peters, Maggi Payne, Hugo Solis, Lyn Goeringer, and Butch Rovan.

LOCATION: URI Shepard Auditorium, 80 Washington Street (downtown Providence, RI)

More about Pixilerations: http://www.pixilerations.org/index.html

Pixilerations [v.5] is a new media exhibition and festival in Providence,
Rhode Island. With over sixty artists exhibiting and performing, it offers a
rare opportunity to view work that incorporates non-traditional materials
such as sound, biotechnology, interactive games, holography, robotics, and
virtual environments. Pixilerations is curated by leading experts in the
field, and co-sponsored by RISD and Brown University.