Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork

Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork (PIEQF)

The Parkfield Interventional EQ Fieldwork is a geologically interactive, kinetic earthwork that has been installed in the remote township of Parkfield, Central California, USA.

This large scale and time based earthwork is located 218 miles south of San Francisco and 196 miles north of Los Angeles.

PIEQF is a seismic art interface between real-time reported Californian earthquakes and a hydraulically actuated earthquake shake table installed in a 75ft long x 30ft wide excavated trench.

Each time an earthquake occurs, an array of 5/8 inch steel rods attached to an earthquake shake table oscillates and resonates, reflecting the dynamic nature of the Californian landscape.

PIEQF is a geological performance blip resulting in a feedback loop between the seismicity of California and a physical and mechanical representation of all Californian seismic events that occur until the 16th November 2008.

Follow D.V.Rogers and PIEQF at

View Christina McPhee's Video Documents of PIEQF at: