Psychiana Magazine Issue 3 - Humiliation

Imagine a society in which humiliation is essential - as a rite of passage, as a passport to decency and civilization, as a necessary shedding of hubris.
-Wayne Koestenbaum, Humiliation, 2011

Psychiana seeks to explore the question of Humiliation for its third issue. Humiliation can be both a pleasure and a pain; a reminder of the human experience and a degradation of its dignity. We experience others’ humiliation as if it were our own, and our own humiliation through the eyes of others. Humiliation can be incidental or profound; a fleeting memory or a life-altering discovery. A humiliating incident can make you both a better person and a worse person; it can teach you to appreciate what is lost or value what is sacred, but most importantly, humiliation is precious. It is an everyday admission, omission, and commission – we engage in these acts intentionally, for the sake of others; and unintentionally, for our own sake. We value our own humility alongside our humiliation. In private, we value others’ humiliation above their humility. The word “human” sounds etymologically related to the word “humiliation,” but it’s not. Or, probably not.

Humiliation manifests in a number of ways, from the completely mundane to the totally unusual, and Psychiana endeavors to explore the value embedded within these thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

As always, no project is too big or too small! We seek essays, plays, poems, stories, confessions, infographics, recipes, advice, indices, critical theory, curricula, and visual art of all kinds. In addition to drawings, paintings, photography, and visual submissions of any kind, we also welcome a proposal for the art insert: any kind of gift that can fit into a bound format: think postcards, games, music, jewelry, etc. The sky's the limit!

The final deadline for complete submissions is Monday, July 22.

- Written Submissions may be as long or as short as you want. Please be aware that work may be edited down, however we will be in touch throughout the editorial process if deemed necessary. Please send all written submissions to [email protected].

- Visual Submissions may comprise any medium that can be reproduced in a printed form. Please send all visual submissions to [email protected].

- Art Insert Submissions should include a short description of the proposed work, a drawing or model, and a sample budget for materials and production. Please note: while we are able to fund production up to $100, this project must be feasible and replicable in an edition of 200 or more. Please send all art insert submissions to [email protected].


Psychiana is a journal of arts and letters that seeks to expand the discourse on value and its role in the contemporary psyche. Each issue uses a different lens to investigate gifts, goods, object fetishism, and the aesthetics of morality. Taking its name from an early 20th century mail-order religion, Psychiana publishes original writing and visual work, and includes unique objects commissioned specially for each issue. For examples of the kind of work we publish, or to purchase Issue 2: Invisibility, please visit