The Tempo of Immediacy

In a message dated 8/16/2002 12:23:36 AM Central Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> i am scorpio
Why'd you come back to the list so fast? I have met so many people like you
it's sad. You act like you're never sad. You truly think my career is going
great? My life? People don't say that in public you know about me, that my
work is important. Do you think I have hang ups? Would you be averse to
meeting me in real life for lunch? I agree. What net art is your favorite?
May I ask if you like People say I
can really help the country if I stake my eggs on that one. You must hate it
in such a case, absolutely dislike that JPG. You may firmly disagree that it
is OK art and can change the mind of society and should be seen by millions.
Plus it may be a dumb topic. Do you like Led Zeppelin's angel/warrior
lyrics, or general sound? Also Pavement, Joy Division, Sonic Youth, and No
Doubt. Brooklyn Funk Essentials? General rock history, folk music history,
electronic music–is it truly a change?, and bands like Blondie, Bruce
Willis, the Ramones, Patti Smith, how do you feel about those bands? I like
Lou Reed's stuff with early rock. I'm not really a fan of Moby or the
Strokes, I mean, they're not making great music of the times, not like the
Beatles did. REM and the Stones, the whole DJ lifestyle…do you admire
various DJs at all? I never even listened to the Chemical Brothers. You
must think Curt is a beefbrain for liking Steely Dan and the Beastie Boys. I
don't know why muserna asked who you were, he must have a conspiracy against
you. He tried to pin a huge plagiarism rap on me (fyb) then lied about it.
I wasn't even part of it. That's the main reason I'm not really arguing at
all. Seems like that philosophy was tried and discarded, under the bridge
and all.

Maybe you're right that utopia really is here and possible; it was dodgy of
me to say you were a fool to say that. I admit that we need utopianism but
that's just a way of saying "I have opinions about utopia." Do you think
there should be more art that incarnates utopia? That would be my basic plan
or interest also.

Are you in Australia? Do they support a US attack on Iraq there? Here it's
being debated as either "hasty" or "necessary."

Max Herman


Max Herman




, portholeaccel
20_noto.ram 16-Dec-1999 10:50 1k
20_scanner.ram 16-Dec-1999 10:50 1k
when i was in germany i came across one of there books it since then has become a great pleasure in my life this is one of my favorites although i think the video work lags behind the sound but then they seem to more sound artist then video i have some interesting visuals for this work but it is not my work so it does not matter but ya this is one of my favorite sites the books and the cd production are an art in it's self and there are limited editions i own one that is great i however i long for a live performance
we have had a conversation about musak you may want to try to remember i do not want to get into it i am no longer in New Zealand which is very different from Australia and as far as i am aware the people do not like americans at least they did not when i was there so they are not interested in supporting bush ashcroft police state world take over i find this to be becoming more and more difficult and europe is flooded…. as far as i am concerned though i believe that this terrorist thing has been takin to far. my grandmother who donated big money and was invited to bush's anogration even is taken back by bush's actions this is a wamen who had world com and enron stocks and was for drilling for oil in alsaka parks so since i am for the green party i am not for it either. america has already been accused of genicide in the east and i am not proud. it is my belief that the 2004 elections will be …….horrid to say the least with more corruption then we have yet to see. my friends have been calling me fortune cookie and the fortunes have been coming true. i like to think it is just logical assesment. i stand with a little n choamsky and deleuze and guattari (a thousand plateaus) i like rhizome that is why i like this site.
TIME TRAVEL: no begining no end jmusakiddle. that is how i see it maybe more like genie loco…….. that seems more possiable and realistic i experience that frequently when i spend 3 days indoor editing video and thAmerica's side but who wants to go outside the damn masquitoes will kill you. and it is like a ashcrofttime travel of the mind and alot of this is just mind and body argumentitive stuff. deuropeth a+b=a up with N-1 and the crowd goes wild. AlaskagenocideassessmentChomskybeginningpossiblemosquitoesargumentative



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