Photo 612 Presents: Erin Haper Vernon

Images by Erin Harper Vernon from her series, “Homelands” is on exhibit through June 14, followed by a "take down" party on Sunday, June 15, 1:00- 3:00- All are Welcome
“Homelands” visits Hazardous waste sites, power plants, containment systems, and poisoned communities in Cheshire, OH, Moundsville, WV, Middleton PA, and Monroe, MI. We all know these places (Hey, it's showing here in NJ!)
The images evoke a feeling of abandonment, open space, and desolation
- a study of the natural landscape vs. Industrial America. Erin is currently a visiting Artist and Instructor at the Heron School of Art & Design. Along with touring the country speaking about this collection, Erin is
expanding on this series by currently focusing her attention on oil consumption vs. wind power in Texas.
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