Roomware — RFID workshop

Geeking out at Mediamatic…
16 + 24 May 2008

Imagine: you enter a room and the lights change colour, a tune starts playing, people start sending you messages, pictures are screened or whatever. With the Roomware software (based on Bluetooth) you can design these sort of reactions. Add RFID to the mix, and a lot more specific user control becomes possible.

This is a workshop (an afternoon and a full day, with a week in between) in which you learn how to work with Roomware, and in which you design your own fresh wireless Roomware — RFID application. Coaches are Tijs Teulings, Robert Gaal, and James Burke, creators of the Roomware project and winners of the 2008 Spin Awards.

More information, times, cost and registration see

Location: Mediamatic, Post CS building, Oosterdokskade 5, fifth floor, Amsterdam