WITCHin flux


WITCHin flux

WITCHin flux is an experimental remix of Yoko Ono's 2007 release Yes, I'm a Witch and an attempt to apply classic Fluxus concerns to the context of an entirely hip yet somewhat conservatively staged reinterpretive retrospective of Yoko Ono's musical works. Moving away from typical remix theory that re-authorizes the internal content of a piece the goal here is to deconstruct the structural constraints of the album / cd form itself and to recast some of the constants of that essentailly analog form to the concepts of variability and random access apparent in Fluxus works and common to digital culture.

Once launched, WITCHin flux plays continuously while randomly accessing and remixing samples from Yoko Ono's Yes, I'm a Witch.

Technical requirements - high-speed connection, flash player installed
