Executive Order : Free Cultural Zone

US Department of Art & Technology
PO Box 32265 Washington, DC
office of the Secretary

RMP 02-06

Relating to the Designation of a
Free Cultural Zone
On the Mexico - US Border
at BORDERHACK 3.0! Festival of Media
August 16 - 18, 2002

Randall M. Packer, Secretary

THE PARTICIPATING NATIONS, In order to promote international
co-operation and to achieve international peace and cultural
understanding by the acceptance of obligations not to restrict border
passage, by the prescription of open, informed cultural dialogue
between nations, by the establishment of the understanding of the
aspirations of the artist as a model for spiritual and moral conduct
among Governments, and by the maintenance of the role of the artist
as a mediator who transcends borders, and a scrupulous respect for
the following EXECUTIVE ORDER, in accordance with the laws of the
Constitution of the United States of America,

Agree to this Executive Order

WHEREAS, the US and Mexico are linked by geography,
sharing an approximately 2000-mile border;

WHEREAS, the US and Mexico are linked by history, with
significant portions of the land now comprising the southwestern states
having once been governed by Mexico;

WHEREAS, the US and Mexico are linked by culture, with many
Americans speaking Spanish, enjoying Mexican food
and art, and celebrating Mexican holidays
like Dies y Seis and Cinco de Mayo;

WHEREAS, the US and Mexico are linked economically, with Mexico
being the principal trading partner of bordering states;

WHEREAS, the US and Mexico are linked electronically
by Borderhack 3.0! Festival of Media in the border town of
Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, the host city
with its theme, ||Delete the Border;

WHEREAS, for the foregoing reasons, the US greatly values
the relationship with Mexico and regards a friendly and
cooperative relationship with Mexico as being of immense
importance to the US;

of the US Department of Art & Technology, by the authority
vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of this country, do
hereby designate the border dividing the US and Mexico
in the vicinity of the Borderhack 3.0! Festival of Media a


AND CHARGE the directors of the festival with duties that include,
but are not limited, to the following:

Represent the US and Mexico with executive power to direct any and
all border officials to allow free passage between the two nations
without identification or passport clearance in the vicinity of the
Borderhack 3.0! Festival of Media;

Arrange and facilitate festival and all other and related cultural
events, ceremonies of art, and other shamanistic activities without
the imposition of unnecessary border restrictions which function as a
dimensional vortex swallowing the traveler without papers;

Organize multimedia performance events and other forms of
cyber-induced altered states of hypermediated consciousness that
bring about the dissolution of patriotism and other dangerous
patterns of behavior that encourage the evils of nationalism;

Promote good relations between the US and Mexico by staging
experimental cultural activities that call for culture jamming,
border hacking, and the general undermining of anachronistic,
pre-21st Century tendencies in these post-apocalyptic times;

Create a contemporary theater of mythos and "cultural pathology" as a
sui generis ceremonial space for people to reflect on their attitudes
toward other cultures;

Any and all other activities incident to the foregoing or otherwise
related thereto as appropriate or as requested as a significant step
towards resolving international crises that have at their root the
imposition of unnecessary borders and a lack of understanding and
cooperation between nations and cultures;

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and cause the Great Seal
of the US Department of Art & Technology to be affixed. Done in the Nation's
Capitol in the City of Washington, DC this 6th day of August, 2002

Randall M. Packer
Secretary, US Department of Art & Technology
Washington, DC

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