Direct Human Expression

In a message dated 7/29/2002 11:45:21 AM Central Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> Open Society & the Challenge

Not to change the subject BH, I'm bullish on you lately for no good reason,
but I had a topic.

Do you think it would be a good thing, a worthwhile effort, to directly
satirize Roberta Smith? By this I mean something along the lines of how
rival politicians take it to each other, backchecking-wise, or how Byron
satirized Southey.

There's more to it than just flames and whining–not to say you do this, at
all, but in general. RS wields power badly, and is a public figure, so don't
we dissenters have the right and obligation to joust with her directly? I.e.
where she lives, or as one could presume, in the pocketbook?

Of course there is the option of not caring, not doing a thing or giving a
whit about RS. She's probably old anyway, and maybe she really doesn't
matter, and has earned the right to be left alone. On the other hand, Dante
said "the hottest part of hell is reserved for those who, in time of moral
crisis, remain neutral."

The uncertainty principle is the rub: maybe RS is great, good, and
righteous. I don't think there is any way to know for sure. But persisting
through doubt, that's negative capability, the only way humans can escape

RS isn't even that relevant–in my opinion–but there are many analogues,
like President Bush and Carson Daly, and one must never overlook the obvious.
RS is clearly dimmer than dark matter on net art, which is really just
another word for art. Ignorance of the truth is no excuse right? RS is
culpable, and should be held accountable in some compelling manner. Where's
the oversight? Where can the jilted art-consumer turn for succour? (um….)

It's like the invisible hand has carpal tunnel!

Max Herman
