A Millennium Hut in Every City

In a message dated 7/20/2002 9:25:04 PM Central Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> Maybe Congress will reauthorize the WPA, and all Artists can contribute to
> the Common Good.

OK nkras you trluly sound skeptical that there even is a CG. Please don't
tell me there is no hope. I know the score in that game. If you think
there's no CG of any value, if that is your pholosophical orientation, let me
know so we don't overdance our tango.

Thomas Frank says the best way out of this corporate cul-de-sac we're in is
for the Democrats to run, and win, on an FDR-type program. He said in the
past, pre 9/11, that we needed that.

Factually now we are really in that kind of fix. This bubble is popping and
I don't think launching bombs is the answer. Who's at the helm? Are the
geniuses? Geniuses of leadership in democracy?

Maybe there is no such thing now or ever, it's utopian scheize, and doesn't

Or febrile juvenile marxism bred of the sweat of sloth.




, Neal

on 7/20/02 9:42 PM, [email protected] at [email protected] wrote:

> In a message dated 7/20/2002 9:25:04 PM Central Daylight Time,
> [email protected] writes:
> Maybe Congress will reauthorize the WPA, and all Artists can contribute to the
> Common Good.
>> >OK nkras you trluly sound skeptical that there even is a CG.
> I believe there <is> a Common Good. I just want Artists to climb down from
> their plateaus in the heavens and not insult the folks who give their money to
> the State, which in turn gives it to Public Forums such as the Brooklyn
> Museum. Perhaps Artists, with money from the State and the Blessings of the
> Public, would instead create works of Art to be enjoyed by all, and not by the
> few.
>> >Please don't tell me there is no hope.
> There <is> hope.
nkras: [email protected]