2012 Call for Applications: chaNorth Artist Residency

chaNorth Artist Residency Call for Applications
more information: chanorth.org

Winter Residency
chaNorth is happy to announce a new Winter Residency Program. Individual artists and groups of collaborators are invited to send project proposals. Artists will be provided with studio space and living space on a weekly basis and are able to specify the amount of time they would like to be in residence.
There is not a formal application process for our winter session. If interested in off-season residency, please email [email protected] with a project proposal, artist bio, links to related work, contact information and the residency dates you are requesting. Available dates: February 19-April 28.
More information: http://chanorth.org/?page_id=90

Summer/Fall Residency
Our summer/fall residency session is comprised of five one-month sessions. Selected artists will be given a four-week residency that includes a private bedroom and studio, a fully stocked kitchen and one communal meal per day. As part of the residency artists are also given an “organic internship,” where they complete one four-hour work shift per week at McEnroe Organic Farm, allowing a deeper connection to the land and the food it produces.
Artists are responsible for travel costs and supplies. Collaborative teams of artists are invited to apply.

The fee for a one-month session is $875. Five artists will receive fully subsidized residencies at chaNorth.
2012 Summer/Fall residency dates:
Session 1: May 4-June 1
Session 2: June 4-July 2
Session 3: July 6-August 3
Session 4: August 6-Sept 3
Session 5: Sept 7-Oct 5

Applications are due February 21, 2012.
More information and applications: http://chanorth.org/?page_id=80