Artists who work with +3Dimensions

Project description
about Sculpture is an online database of artists working in three, or
more, dimensions which uses social media to distribute, exhibit and
publicize those contained within the EAS registry.
The organizers of the project hope that EAS will eventually become a freestanding website in the style of a virtual library as well as a catalog and DVD.
Everything About Sculpture defines +3D as performance, installation,
sculptures, monuments, multimedia, with the possibility for other
mediums. We strive to be an equal opportunity database; featuring
emerging, mid-career and established artists alike.
To contribute to Everything About Sculpture you can email a submission,
"like" the page in order to receive updates, and/or tell your friends.
Each week EAS will upload a new album featuring one artist.
Submission instructions
Submit to EAS by email:
- [email protected]
- Subject: (artists name)
- Attachments: up to 20mb, please label each attachment (date, title of work)
- Text: Bio or other text about the artist.
*Please only one artist per email.
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